Screener Question:
Do you live in Santa Clara County, California?
Single Choice:
We are targeting this segment and population of people because Code for San Jose (CfSJ) resides in the County of Santa Clara, and the projects CfSJ benefits the Santa Clara county population.
Screener Question:
Have you volunteered for a non-profit?
Single Choice:
We want to collect information about participants who have recently volunteered to increase the reliability of our test data and ensure that they are qualified to answer questions about volunteering
What is your occupation?
Open ended
What type of volunteer are you?
a) Active (You volunteered in 2019)
b) Non-active (You haven’t volunteered in 2019)
[ If (a) selected ]
How many times have you volunteered this year?
Single Choice:
a) 1 time every other month
b) 1 time every month
c) 2-3 times a month
d) 1 time a week
e) 2+ times a week
We want to understand and quantify the frequency of volunteering per participant
Why do you volunteer?
a) Value (You feel it is important to help others or to participate in your community)
b) Understanding (You are motivated to understand more about your community)
c) Enhancement (You feel the work will develop or enhance you as a person)
d) Career (You feel it will help you with a career or promotion)
e) Social (You want to network with people who share common goals or gain new friends)
f) Other: ______
We want to understand what initially motivates people to volunteer. This can be used to inform visual hierarchy, images on the website, and copy writing.
Do you repeat volunteer for the same organizations?
Single Choice:
We want to know if volunteers can develop a sense of loyalty to a certain organization.
[ If (yes) selected ]
Why do you volunteer more than once for the same organization?
a) Convenient scheduling
b) Proof of work’s impact
c) Professional development
d) Social Interactions
e) Discounts at local businesses (vouchers)
Other: ______
We want to understand what the motivators are for coming back to volunteer. We hope that this question informs our design for repeat volunteers
How do you find out about volunteering opportunities?
b) Facebook Groups
c) Eventbrite
d) Word of Mouth
e) Social Media (type in the social media platforms you use to learn about volunteering events):______
F. Other:______
Our brief is to understand how people become aware of CfSJ - we want to extrapolate this to understand how people are finding information about volunteering events in general so that we can use it to inform our research and recommendations.
Do you prefer knowing what you would be working on at a volunteer event in advance?
Single Choice:
We have some data that supports that volunteers do like knowing what they’re getting into. We would like to confirm as it would impact design features on the website (adding a scheduling tool).
What would deter you from volunteering?
Open ended
| Definition |
Hack Night (Hackathon) - A hack night is a gathering of people with diverse backgrounds and experience who come together to work on projects and talk about ideas with one another.
Hack nights are specific volunteering experiences that involves working with a group of people. Is this something that you would want to do? Why or why not?
Open ended
Who do you think would attend a non-profit volunteer hack night event?
Open ended
Do you have a positive or negative impression of the word “hack night”?
Open ended
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your volunteering experiences?
Essay Answer Box
Any additional information participants provide might give us a few more crucial insights.